The link below is for XP Pro but almost all applies about special
permissions. There is a subtle difference as shown in the descriptions I
pasted from the link. Users who have Delete Subfolders and Files
permission on the parent folder will be able to delete files and subfolders
in the parent folder even if they do not have delete permissions on that
file/subfolder. The delete permission is more granular and would be used to
give/deny user delete permission if they do not have Delete Subfolders and
Files permission on the parent folder. Now if the user has explicit allow
for Delete Subfolders and Files on the parent and then explicit deny Delete
to a file/subfolder I am not sure what the effective permission would be and
that should be tested. My guess is that the user would be denied delete
since that permission is "closer" to the file/folder. -- Steve;EN-US;308419
Delete Subfolders and Files
The Delete Subfolders and Files permission applies only to folders and
allows or denies the user from deleting subfolders and files, even if the
Delete permission is not granted on the subfolder or file.
The Delete permission allows or denies the user from deleting the file or
folder. If you do not have a Delete permission on a file or folder, you can
delete the file or folder if you are granted Delete Subfolders and Files
permissions on the parent folder.