Hi I have cells with dates and times together and I am trying to take the
difference of two dates. I have found out how to get the result in
days:hours:minutes. However, I would like to get the results with the month
as weel (months:days:hours:minutes). However, my main problem seems to be
that if there is less than a month, the default is zero. Adding days and
months was a solution to my orginal problem of not being able to change hours
to go past 24. Help with either issue would be appreciated. I have Excel
Thank you.
difference of two dates. I have found out how to get the result in
days:hours:minutes. However, I would like to get the results with the month
as weel (months:days:hours:minutes). However, my main problem seems to be
that if there is less than a month, the default is zero. Adding days and
months was a solution to my orginal problem of not being able to change hours
to go past 24. Help with either issue would be appreciated. I have Excel
Thank you.