did I make a mistake:registry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan
  • Start date Start date


I went into the registry and was fooling around with the hive and I saw that
I had mozilla on there..I wanted to delete it ..so I did. I also deleted
something else that was connected to mozilla... When I was opening it ,
something popped out on the right side...and when I closed the folder..every
thing went back to the folder except one thing...I am very new with this
stuff and I should have not even messed with the registry but why did this
item stay there. ...under name it has a icon with a little a,b(default)
type REG_SZ under data is blank ....is this bad? is it supposed to be
there? It wont let me delete it...Is it supposed to go back in the registry?
help ....
No ideas but you should use the software "Uninstall" option rather than
mucking up with the Registry. Besides, you should always back up the
Registry before trying to change anything.

BTW, you posted to the wrong newsgroup. This newsgroup is for Microsoft
Access, a database application.

Suggest you re-post your question in one of the newsgroups for the version
of Windows you are using.