The only editable dictionaries are the personal dictionaries (the default
one is called custom.dic) Checkout tools > options > spelling and grammar >
custom dictionaries. - which will display which personal dictionaries are in
use and where they are stored. The main spelling dictionaries are
non-editable and part of the application, so they will be on the
installation disc.
I have Word 2007, and was unable to find this. However, the help file
suggested this path: C:\Documents and Settings\'my name'\Application
Data\Microsoft\UProof . I couldn't find this in Windows Explorer. There
appears to be no "application data". Any hints? Could it be a hidden file? I
tried it in command prompt too, no result.
Open Word and go to Tools, Options, Spelling and Grammar and click on the
CUSTOM DICTIONARIES button. The path is displayed at the bottom of the