Bjorn Simonsen
(Thanks to the University of Notre Dame for their 'English to Latin'
http://catholic.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/lookdown.pl )
Thanks for that link, via it I found a free Latin-to-English
dictionary, a **Command Line Interface** (CLI) program
by William Whitaker.
This Latin dictionary program, (WORDS for the PC - DOS, Windows
95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP, OS/2, LINUX - and Mac OS X - console
versions), takes keyboard input or a file of Latin text lines and
provides an analysis/morphology (declension, conjugation, case,
tense, etc.) of each word individually, the dictionary form, and
the translation (meaning).
D/L Win-32 CLI version from:
For DOS, Linux/FreeBSD and MAC versions see links at
Win32 download consist of 2 SFX files (SelF-eXtracting exe)
1MB and 1.07MB. Two files - so the program can be distributed on
floppies. No install, just unzip to, or run the sfx files in, the
directory/folder you want to install it in. Extracted files requires
approx 10mb of disk space.
Manual, comes with the install - but also online here:
I haven not read the manual my self, since the simple lookup feature
is all I need (at least for now). I leave reading the manual to those
of you who wish to use features beyond the mere dictionary
Anyway, here is how to use the simple lookup feature:
When you launch the Words.exe or Meanings.exe program from the command
line, you get a => prompt where you can input the latin word you want
translated/info about. Just type word and hit enter. To Exit the
program just hit enter and nothing else at the => prompt.
The meanings.exe program is a version of Words.exe that is
"hardcoded to give dictionary form and meanings only
it cannot be modified by changing the do_meanings_only parameter"
To illustrate: looking up "justitia":
output from meanings.exe:
justitia, justitiae N F
justice; equality; righteousness (Plater);
justitium, justiti(i) N N
cessation of judicial and all public business, due to national
output from words.exe:
justiti.a N 1 1 NOM S F
justiti.a N 1 1 ABL S F
justitia, justitiae N F
justice; equality; righteousness (Plater);
justiti.a N 2 4 NOM P N
justiti.a N 2 4 ACC P N
justitium, justiti(i) N N
cessation of judicial and all public business, due to national
Read the manual for the meaning of the various shorthand notations in
the above output if you want to know what it stands for - as well as
for more info about more options/features if you need them (as said I
haven't read the manual my self).
Notice that as with most command line apps under Windows (DOS box/CMD
console) - you can copy/past between the GUI and the CLI interface,
say copy a latin word from a windows program to the command prompt of
<meanings.exe>, and the other way - copy output of a CLI program to a
Windows program.
This can be done either the "old" way:
To copy text from a command prompt window
Or you can enable the Quick edit and Quick Insert options, see fx
Windows Tip: Use Quick Edit in the Command Prompt
To copy and paste MS-DOS text using the mouse
To configure the command prompt
I like this CLI program, but I would not mind a GUI (Graphical User
Interface) version - if anyone knows any (haven't searched

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen