Dice - Packet Decoder
Dice is a Windows program for decoding sniffer files. While Dice was
written mainly to display the evidence and packet log files produced by
BlackIce from Network Ice it also supports the following formats.
* General Network Sniffer files (*.enc)
* Microsoft Netmon files (*.cap)
* NetXRay files (*.cap)
* Windump/TCPDUMP files (*.acp;*.dmp)
Version 2.8.8
* New Protocols: IS-IS, RTSP
* Minor other changes
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Dice is a Windows program for decoding sniffer files. While Dice was
written mainly to display the evidence and packet log files produced by
BlackIce from Network Ice it also supports the following formats.
* General Network Sniffer files (*.enc)
* Microsoft Netmon files (*.cap)
* NetXRay files (*.cap)
* Windump/TCPDUMP files (*.acp;*.dmp)
Version 2.8.8
* New Protocols: IS-IS, RTSP
* Minor other changes
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