Correction, TIME-LIMITED beta. As I've said, (and why in GOD'S
NAME, doesn't anybody get this point?) I don't have a problem with
the program being a beta. It's the *time-limitation* that makes it
inappropriate for discussion in this group in my opinion. Freeware
is software that is free from cost, monetary or otherwise, and
that you can use for as long as you like.
It's not that people don't understand what you are saying. As your FAQ
points out, there are kinds of non-freeware that are not inappropriate
to discuss here. Even if you somehow convince people who currently
disagree with you about whether or not the time-limited beta Dialog is
freeware, they will continue to believe that it's ok to discuss it
In fact, I do not consider it freeware but think it is a good thing to
discuss Dialog here. Take that FWIW, but you know I don't troll you on
these issues.
This definition is the most fundamental of all the things that the
majority in this group agreed to a long time ago.
I only recall time-limitations being discussed wrt demos/trials of
shareware. And that's the only place I can find it in your version of
the FAQ.
I, at least, don't take it lightly when people try to *shit* on
IMO, Maria Luisa's OP in this thread was appropriate and provided the
info about the time-limitation as a genuine gesture of forthrightness,
and your accusation of trolling was completely unfounded.