Dialog Boxes



In a recent applicaton update, several dialog boxes appeared that displayed
information about the progress of the application install. These were not
typical dialog boxes that I am accustomed to with my Access development,
clicking OK was not a requirement to acknowledge them and make them
disappear. I rather like that ability to display useful user information
during some of my processes within Access. Is there a way to recreate these
types of dialog boxes without using the normal msgbox format, which requires
some user action to make the box disappear once a message has been
displayed? I would like a dialog box that displays and then disappears
after a period of time, or when the process for which the dialog box
represents is completed.


Brendan Reynolds

Private Sub Form_Activate()

Me.Label0.Caption = "This form will self-destruct in 1 second!"
Me.TimerInterval = 1000

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveYes

End Sub

Ken Snell [MVP]

Just create a form that has the appearance and content that you want. Your
code should open it when you want it to display, and then close it when the
code is done.

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