I just chased down a nagging problem and thought I would post the fix.
After building an XPe image based on the XP Pro Emulation script many
of the dialogs in our internal programs had strange formatting
I finally cahsed this down to the XPe image which had the Greek
version of the system fonts installed; VGASYSG.FON, VGAFIXG.FON,
VGA869.FON. To correct this I changed the following registry entries
to the correct FON files (VGASYS.FON, VGAFIX.FON, VGAOEM.FON).
In posting this I see that Mark Gillespie has previously had a similar
issue and has placed a component to fix the registry entries on
www.xpefiles.com at
After building an XPe image based on the XP Pro Emulation script many
of the dialogs in our internal programs had strange formatting
I finally cahsed this down to the XPe image which had the Greek
version of the system fonts installed; VGASYSG.FON, VGAFIXG.FON,
VGA869.FON. To correct this I changed the following registry entries
to the correct FON files (VGASYS.FON, VGAFIX.FON, VGAOEM.FON).
In posting this I see that Mark Gillespie has previously had a similar
issue and has placed a component to fix the registry entries on
www.xpefiles.com at