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Rules for Dialing
The following list describes the different dialing codes that you can use to set up the custom calling card rules. • 0-9 Numbers to be dialed.
• ABCD Characters to be dialed (tone dialing only, used for special control on some phone systems).
• E Dial the country code.
• F Dial the area code (city code).
• G Dial the local phone number.
• H Dial the card number.
• * # Characters to be dialed (tone dialing only).
• T Subsequent numbers are to be tone dialed.
• P Subsequent numbers are to be pulse dialed.
• , Pause for a fixed time.
• ! Flash (half-second on-hook, half-second off-hook).
• W Wait for a second dial tone.
• @ Wait for quiet answer (ring-back followed by five seconds of silence).
• $ Wait for calling card prompt tone.
• ? Suspend dialing until user provides input.
You can use the following codes only in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. These codes permit you to include configurable carrier codes as part of the dialed number.
Note Earlier versions of Windows do not have this functionality. • L Mandatory long-distance carrier.
• M Mandatory international carrier.
• N Optional long-distance carrier.
• S Optional international carrier.