I have 3 computers on the net, 2 with W98 and the Server
has XP. Any operation on the client computers (shutting
down a monitor, pulling up a txt file, etc) will prompt
the Server to attempt a dial-up to my ISP. I'm not
greatly versed in the mechanics of how the Network
operates and have been unable to track down a place to
make changes so this doesn't happen any longer. Any
assistance would be greatly appreciated (please keep in
mind my experience level and don't assume I know
has XP. Any operation on the client computers (shutting
down a monitor, pulling up a txt file, etc) will prompt
the Server to attempt a dial-up to my ISP. I'm not
greatly versed in the mechanics of how the Network
operates and have been unable to track down a place to
make changes so this doesn't happen any longer. Any
assistance would be greatly appreciated (please keep in
mind my experience level and don't assume I know