Dial-Up Problem



(I know that some of you are annoyed by cross-posted messages, I will
probably cross-post this one, albeit in separate postings, I've got to get
to the bottom of this)

Hello again,

A customer of mine is having a sporadic, yet persistent, problem. When the
problem is in force, he cannot disconnect, unless he shuts the computer
down. Then, upon reboot, he will attempt to connect; he does NOT connect,
yet if he right-clicks on the dial-up icon, the menu displays "Disconnect",
as if the OS "thinks" that he is connected. Sometimes, the shortcut for
dialup that is on the desktop disappears; sometimes, the shortcut that is in
the tray disappears. Also, I was unable to see the Windows Firewall.
Obviously, the connection is "confused".

OS: Windows XP HE SP2, newly re-installed, as of 3 weeks ago.

I've tried several different modems, to no avail.

Modem first connects through a UPS, then goes to a splitter, which also
accomodates a standard telephone. My first thought was, it's the UPS,
disconnected from the UPS, did not solve problem. My second thought was,
it's the splitter; I went direct to the telephone port, still did not solve
the problem.

Some of the error messages that I saw while trying to work through this:

1) "Cannot save password. Error 621: The system could not open the phone
book file"

2) "Unable to create the specified connection. This can be caused by
insufficient memory or not enough disk space"

3) "Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed"

4) "Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall/ICS service"

5) "Cannot load dialup. Error 1727: The remote procedure call failed and
did not execute"

Customer does not game, gamble, share music or view pornography.

Yesterday, after researching this problem, and arming myself with what I
thought would be enough information to fix this problem (most specifically,
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article ID 254631, which advises to ensure that
certain network-related services are enabled and on) , I went over to his
place. The problem had gone away, by itself. No problem connecting,
disconnecting, able to see and change firewall settings. He gave me a
check, and off I went.

He just called and told me that the problem is back.

Has anybody seen this, or properly repaired it?

Thanks, in advance.



Sorry I don't have an answer for your problem.

Crossposting (posting the same message to more than one group at the same
time) is fine. You are posting this with Outlook Express, so you have the
capability to crosspost. Crossposting should be done only where needed and
only to one or two applicable groups.

What you should not do is multipost, sending the same message to different
newsgroups separately. That is counterproductive and engenders duplication
of effort since folks in one group don't see the replies from those on other


What you should not do is multipost, sending the same message to different
newsgroups separately. That is counterproductive and engenders
duplication of effort since folks in one group don't see the replies from
those on other groups.

Whoops, what I did was "multipost". But don't worry, if I do find an
answer, I will either "multi" or "cross" post the solution.

Thanks for the info.



Try turning off Windows firewall and using the free version of Zone Alarm.
Also sweep system for malware. Also check the phone line for proper voltage
and make sure REN isn't exceeded.

Ken Blake, MVP

smackedass said:
(I know that some of you are annoyed by cross-posted messages, I will
probably cross-post this one, albeit in separate postings, I've got
to get to the bottom of this)

No, there is no problem with crossposting, if it's done to a few related
groups. It's multiposting that's the problem.

Please do not send the same message separately to more than one newsgroup
(called multiposting). Doing so just fragments the thread, so someone who
answers in one newsgroup doesn't get to see answers from others in another
newsgroup. And for those who read all the newsgroups the message is
multiposted to, they see the message multiple times instead of once (they
would see it only once if you correctly crossposted instead). This wastes
everyone's time, and gets you poorer help than you should get.

If you must send the same message to more than one newsgroup, please do so
by crossposting (but only to a *few* related newsgroups).

Please see "What is the accepted way to share a message across multiple
newsgroups?" at http://smjg.port5.com/faqs/usenet/xpost.html

Sorry, I can't help with your question.

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