Dial or ignore

Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone heard of a company calle 'TeloGram'?

Recieved a letter this morning saying they had a message stored for me
I have to call a CSR with a reference to retrieve it!

the number is 01252 576376

the Name on the letter does sound familiar but I cant remember where from

Bin it! Who on earth would send a letter saying they have a message for you ;)

It's either going to be spam or some rouse to get personal details.
I'd personally just ignore anything like that as I can't see how it could be anything good (they'd stick anything important in a letter unless they needed confirmation you got the message I suppose).

Give it a call if you aren't sure though :) Might be worth a google on the company.
Lets just hope, no shady actions are going on right? :D