Dial numeric pager question can it be done?



Does anyone know of anything out there that I can use to dial up a
numeric pager, leave a number and then hang up? It is not a "fancy"
pager. No message, not text, no nothing. Just a regular old pager. I
have looked at the various SMS stuff, but it all goes to text message,
etc. Nothing for a regular pager.

I have a asp.net page, using c#. User clicks a button that says "Page
Somehow the box with the modem dials up the pager and leaves the
numeric page (all same phone number left).

Thank you for any help.

Ahmed Qurashi

I think's its doable..

TAPI handles microsoft telephony.

There are issues with using this in .NET and you will need to read this:

Here is a C# wrapper for TAPI2 to get you started:

Once you can Initialize a session, I think its probably as simple as dialing
the service, sending the message and terminating..let me know how it turns



Ahmed said:
Once you can Initialize a session, I think its probably as simple as
dialing the service, sending the message and terminating..let me know how
it turns out.

Not all that easy... Most paging companies implement the Telelocator
Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP).


Basically you have two choices, the Automatic or the Manual entry. You can
see the Manual form by connecting with Hyperterminal or a similar app, and
entering M<CR> when you see the 'ID=' prompt. You may need to send a couple
of CR's first to get the prompt.

The problem with the manual protocol is it is not uniform, and the text to
prompt you for the pager id and message varies from company to company. The
automatic is more uniform, but you need to build blocks with the proper
checksum or they will be rejected.

In either case, you will need to carry on a dialog with the terminal once
you connect to establish the protocol and to handle retransmit requests or
error messages.


From a long time ago at a company I worked, we used PageMate:

It was a Windows GUI and command line program that did all of it for you,
because I would agree that to implement a TAP client as well as tieing that
in with TAPI would be a bit of a project.


What I have found so far is that I can use Hyperterminal manually, like

atdt mypagernumber,,,,mynumbertocallmeback and then terminate the

Now, I just have to get c# to dial this the same way.

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