-----Original Message-----
try the follow:
1. Copy/Paste the following to a Dialin.reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"{B52C1E50-1DD2-11D1-BC43-00C04FC31FD3}"="RAS Dialin - User Node Extension"
2. Merge the Dialin.reg file with your Windows XP registry, or run regedit
/s dialin.reg.
3. Open a CMD prompt on Windows XP and type the following commands, where
ServerName is a Windows Server 2003 domain controller than has the
Adminpak.msi installed:
CD /D %SystemRoot%\System32
copy \\ServerName\Admin$\System32\mprsnap.dll *.*
copy \\ServerName\Admin$\System32\rasuser.dll *.*
copy \\ServerName\Admin$\System32\rtrfiltr.dll *.*
regsvr32 rasuser.dll
4. Press OK to acknowledge the registration of the rasuser library.
Christoffer Andersson
No email replies please - reply in the newsgroup
If the information was help full, you can let me know at:
Lunks said:
I have delegated control to my helpdesk, but when the
access the dial-in tab I get the below error:
dial-in page initialization failed
This is from and administrative 2003 terminal server on a
Windows 2000 Active Directory. What do I need to set so
they will have access to at least read the dial in
properties of a user.
Any help would be greatly appreicated.