Diagnostic and repair programs/tools



Does anyone know if there are any free system diagnostic or fault finding and
restore/fixing programs available?It seems absurd to me that I can`t just
find and run something that works along these lines and is freely available
to download and use.
Many Thanks.

Ted Zieglar

Do you know of a "diagnostic or fault finding and restore/fixing" tool for
your car? Free or otherwise? Me neither. First you have to diagnose your
car's problem, or bring the car to someone who can diagnose the problem. A
computer is no different.

So...what problem(s) are you experiencing?


Thanks for your reply Ted,
I do take the point you`re making but disagree in that I think microsoft
should make available the necessary! However,I`ll leave all that for some
other time and place.
My problems have been in that I could not log out although I could do so
from one of my childrens` accounts.I did manage to sort this out by
re-installing SoundBlaster but then I kept getting a small box with an X on a
red background each time I logged in,although it would not tell me what
for.This I also rectified by restoring to an earlier time etc but I keep
getting small "beep" noises and "program not responding" signals and a
similar stalling of my computer without a message.It`s V.V.frustrating.
Anyhow,once again,Many Thanks.

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 15:27:03 -0700, "novvo"
My problems have been in that I could not log out although I could do so
from one of my childrens` accounts.I did manage to sort this out by
re-installing SoundBlaster but then I kept getting a small box with an X on a
red background each time I logged in,although it would not tell me what
for.This I also rectified by restoring to an earlier time etc but I keep
getting small "beep" noises and "program not responding" signals and a
similar stalling of my computer without a message.It`s V.V.frustrating.

Sounds nasty. Was the history anything like this:
- install sound card and drivers, all is happy
- install SP2 or other "big" patch
- problems begin...

If so, check Creative's web site for FAQ or other info about
compatibility with SP2 or whatever, and look for new (but not so new
as to be "beta") drivers appropriate for your hardware there.

Or was it something like this:
- install sound card and drivers, all is happy
- install drivers from Windows Update
- problems begin...

Lesson there is: Render unto Caeser. I would never use drivers (as
opposed to OS code or patches) from Windows Update, and in fact unless
I had a specific problem to fix, I would not pick a fight with device
drivers (e.g. download even the vendor's drivers, simply because there
are newer ones available) at all.

Or was it something like this:
- install sound card and drivers, all is happy
- install some game, which may slipstream a new DirectX
- problems begin...

The common theme is: What changed? It may be as obvious as above, or
subtle, such as files "fixed" by AutoChk after a bad exit, or ChkDsk,
or "cleaned" of malware by your av - or malware itself, of course.

------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
The most accurate diagnostic instrument
in medicine is the Retrospectoscope


There are plenlty of Microsoft system Tools which are free and
downloadedable. Because of the varied nature of the issues and the
platforms,one has to know such details to decide othe suitable Tool. Since
you havent given such details no one can say what tools are required and from
where it can be downloded.
Many Tools are included in the operating systen and on has to learn
aboutthem and their usability
Generally Diagnostic, repair, recovery, .. Toolsets can be downloaded from
Microsoft Download Center and most of them are free. However its not an easy
task to get to your tool easily, because on the innumerable sites and
A word of caution to new users. Before you use any tool learn and under
stand the working of the Tool, Never use trial and error methods. because
misuse can some time cause serious errors.
If you can post specific details then some one will be able to give useful
assistance. Good luck

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