jo said:
i get a error that i can not get this
i run a network test and i can not ping this dhcpserver
how do i get this to work right
Are you trying to configure a firewall?
~ [pardon length]
10. What are some rules for DHCP?
All you need is two or three rules depending on your configuration. Since I have a
hardware router some of this rule might sound odd for you. First find out your DHCP
Windows 9x/ME:
Start-->Run-->type in "winipcfg /all"
(without quotations)
Windows 2000:
Start-- >Programs-->Accessories-->Command Prompt
type in "ipconfig /all"
(without quotations)
Once you have the DHCP server IP address, you can configure your rules.
= = = = = = = = = = =
Rule #1:
Description: DHCP In/Out
Protocol: UDP
Direction: Both
Local End Port:68
Application: ANY (or your DHCP program)
Remote End Port: 67
Remote Address: DHCP Server IP
Rule Valid: Always
Action: Permit
Logging: None
= = = = = = = = = = =
Rule #2:
Description: DHCP
Protocol: UDP
Direction: Outgoing
Local End Port:68
Application: ANY (or your DHCP program)
Remote End Port: 67
Remote Address:
Rule Valid: Always
Action: Permit
Logging: None
= = = = = = = = = = =
After this try to release and renew your IP with Rule Learning thing on just to make sure
the rules work
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because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_