I'm not finding much on this error. I see some indication though that this may be related to AD authorization of the DHCP
service. First, check to make sure that this machine only points at DNS servers that known about the AD DNS zone. Just for
grins, let's point this machine to the first installed DC for DNS. On the first installed DC, open ADSI Edit. You may have to
install the Support Tools from the Windows 2000 server CD to get ADSI Edit. In ADSI Edit, go to Configuration Container>
Configuration>Services>NetServices. In the netservices container, check to see if the DHCP server is listed there. If it is,
highlight that entry and delete it. Do not delete anything else in this folder. Close ADSI Edit. Go back to the DHCP server and
attempt to start the service. If it starts, open the DHCP MMC, right click on the server and choose Authorize. If it doesn't start,
try removing DHCP and reinstalling it. The safest way to do this is:
1. Export the following key from the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DhcpServer\Configuration
2. Make a backup copy of the DHCP.MDB file located in winnt\system32\dhcp.
3. Make a backup copy of the directory winnt\system32\dhcp\backup
4. Uninstall DHCP via control panel add/remove programs
5. Reboot.
6. Install DHCP
7. Stop the DHCP serivce
8. Import the registry key exported in step 1.
9. Copy the DHCP.MDB file and the backup directory into winnt\system32\dhcp
10. Start the DHCP service and authorize it in the AD
For detailed steps of the above, see 130642 How to Move a DHCP Database to Another Windows Server
http://support.microsoft.com/?id=130642. Follow the steps outlined in the section titled Windows 2000 (Source) to Windows
2000 (Destination) where both the source and destination are the same.
Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support
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