Athan P
This a call for help from a windows XP newby. Since last
week I have been trying to connect my computer to the
broadband cable service without any success. Two techs
have been around and the bottom line is that is some sort
of software glitch. The problem is that the computer is
not able to renew the IP address from the server. When I
tried ipconfig /renew the following error message
comes "The system cannot find the file specified". It
sounds like a system file is missing. I found on the web
that the problem seems to be that the DHCP service in the
local computer is not working. I tried to activate the
service directly from the Systems control and the
following error message shows up: "Could not start the
DHCP client service on local computer. Error 1068: The
dependency service or group failed to start". I suspect
that the problem was caused by some previous software
installation but I am not sure. I already changed nic
cards and still the same problem. Any ideas apreaciated
week I have been trying to connect my computer to the
broadband cable service without any success. Two techs
have been around and the bottom line is that is some sort
of software glitch. The problem is that the computer is
not able to renew the IP address from the server. When I
tried ipconfig /renew the following error message
comes "The system cannot find the file specified". It
sounds like a system file is missing. I found on the web
that the problem seems to be that the DHCP service in the
local computer is not working. I tried to activate the
service directly from the Systems control and the
following error message shows up: "Could not start the
DHCP client service on local computer. Error 1068: The
dependency service or group failed to start". I suspect
that the problem was caused by some previous software
installation but I am not sure. I already changed nic
cards and still the same problem. Any ideas apreaciated