How do you block "DHCP" from assigning IP address for unknown connection ?
We have many visitors or vendors that might come to our office and sometime
they plug into our network.
There was an incident where a notebook was infected with Blaster worm, and
it spread to our network. I know as a policy we can "prohibit" outsiders
from plugging their notebook to our network.
As a "network" controller, is it possible to configure no IP address to be
assigned for unknown notebooks ?
Configure the MAC in DHCP server ? Will this have any contraints other than
administration ? Will it create more traffic in the network in term of
packet broadcast ?
How do you block "DHCP" from assigning IP address for unknown connection ?
We have many visitors or vendors that might come to our office and sometime
they plug into our network.
There was an incident where a notebook was infected with Blaster worm, and
it spread to our network. I know as a policy we can "prohibit" outsiders
from plugging their notebook to our network.
As a "network" controller, is it possible to configure no IP address to be
assigned for unknown notebooks ?
Configure the MAC in DHCP server ? Will this have any contraints other than
administration ? Will it create more traffic in the network in term of
packet broadcast ?