2000 server with 2 network cards and is DC.
Several weeks ago this computer had a NIC go bad and I replaced it.
Now the server thinks it has 3 network cards. I came to this conclusion
because when I sign the same address to the real cards I get an error
message telling me this IP is already assigned to another interface.. How
should I get rid of the pseudo cards?
I uninstall and reinstalled the DHCP server, set it up and activated it.
The problems persist..
This machines has 2 network cards in it. I removed both network cards
because I remembered an error when I put the IP address in the new card.
When adding these 2 cards I got the same errors saying the IP address
already exists on another interface but I said apply it anyway..
I looked in the registry and say the old interfaces.
Now I am getting the following errors:
Event ID: 1000
Windows cannot determine the user or computer name. Return value (1703).
Event ID 1014
The JET Database call returned the following error : -1032. Additional Debug
Information: JetBackup.
Event ID 1016
The DHCP service encountered the following error when backing up the
An error occurred while accessing the DHCP database. Look at the DHCP server
event log for more information
Event ID: 1655
The attempt to communicate with global catalog
\\server-1.office.botekusa.com failed with the following status:
The DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure.
The operation in progress might be unable to continue. The directory
service will use the locator to try find an available global catalog server
for the next operation that requires one.
The record data is the status code.
Event ID: 1126
Unable to establish connection with global catalog.
Event ID: 6702
DNS Server has updated its own host (A) records. In order to insure that
its DS-integrated peer DNS servers are able to replicate with this server,
an attempt was made to update them with the new records through dynamic
update. An error was encountered during this update, the record data is the
error code.
If this DNS server does not have any DS-integrated peers, then this error
should be ignored.
If this DNS server's ActiveDirectory replication partners do not have the
correct IP address(es) for this server, they will be unable to replicate
with it.
Any Ideas
Several weeks ago this computer had a NIC go bad and I replaced it.
Now the server thinks it has 3 network cards. I came to this conclusion
because when I sign the same address to the real cards I get an error
message telling me this IP is already assigned to another interface.. How
should I get rid of the pseudo cards?
I uninstall and reinstalled the DHCP server, set it up and activated it.
The problems persist..
This machines has 2 network cards in it. I removed both network cards
because I remembered an error when I put the IP address in the new card.
When adding these 2 cards I got the same errors saying the IP address
already exists on another interface but I said apply it anyway..
I looked in the registry and say the old interfaces.
Now I am getting the following errors:
Event ID: 1000
Windows cannot determine the user or computer name. Return value (1703).
Event ID 1014
The JET Database call returned the following error : -1032. Additional Debug
Information: JetBackup.
Event ID 1016
The DHCP service encountered the following error when backing up the
An error occurred while accessing the DHCP database. Look at the DHCP server
event log for more information
Event ID: 1655
The attempt to communicate with global catalog
\\server-1.office.botekusa.com failed with the following status:
The DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure.
The operation in progress might be unable to continue. The directory
service will use the locator to try find an available global catalog server
for the next operation that requires one.
The record data is the status code.
Event ID: 1126
Unable to establish connection with global catalog.
Event ID: 6702
DNS Server has updated its own host (A) records. In order to insure that
its DS-integrated peer DNS servers are able to replicate with this server,
an attempt was made to update them with the new records through dynamic
update. An error was encountered during this update, the record data is the
error code.
If this DNS server does not have any DS-integrated peers, then this error
should be ignored.
If this DNS server's ActiveDirectory replication partners do not have the
correct IP address(es) for this server, they will be unable to replicate
with it.
Any Ideas