DFS - "Failed to launch explorer homed at ..."

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marcel Hoogteijling
  • Start date Start date

Marcel Hoogteijling

I have a W2000 SP4 server running IIS and Terminal server.
It's a member server in AD domain.

I am setting up DFS, all seems well, but I'm not seeing my dfslinks
(folders) i make.
Other servers, identical to this one with identical dfs setup, work

This server however I have run the IIS lock down security template
Big chance this was blocking DFS.

I have removed HISECWEB.INF by configuring the server again with
BASICSV.INF ( the basic security template for a server.)
All settings are back to 'basic', but somehow, some settings are still
retained, blocking the DFS.
It's still not showing the dfslinks.

I have looked over all the settings in the templates, and compared
them with the servers which do work, I can't find a significant

One thing I can go at is an error message, but google and these group
postings don't give me much to go with, neither does technet.

The error:
When I look in the DFS managment console and go to the dfslink,
right-click the link and select 'open' I get the message:
"Failed to launch explorer homed at \\server1\dfsroot\dfslink"

The 'Check Status' gives me a green 'OK'.

The first thing coming to mind are permissions, but even with
everything 'open' and as domain admin, it doesn't work.

Can anyone tell me what the IIS lockdown may have 'blocked' , which
i'm not seeing?

Thanks in advance,
Marcel Hoogteijling

Message is also posted under

I would have loved to post this message under
microsoft.public.windows.dfs_frs but it seems not to exist.
This might be caused by having short filenames enabled.


This issue can occur if the 8.3 file name creation functionality is disabled


WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious
that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot
guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor
incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

To resolve this issue, enable the 8.3 file name creation functionality on
server that hosts the DFS root:

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation value under the following key in


3. On the Edit menu, click DWORD, type "0" (without the quotation marks),
and then
click OK.

4. Quit Registry Editor.

5. Restart the server.

Other references: Q290075 DFS Links May Not Be Visible When You Connect to
DFS Root Share
Many thanks,
It works!

I was unable to find the Technet article you reference. because it
doesn't use the abbriviation 'DFS'
