dfrgfat.exe runs automatically...how to disable?



I'm running Windows XP Home. When the machine is idle usually within 30
minutes the dfrgfat.exe starts. Does anyone know how to disable this file?
It's driving me crazy and will go all day if I don't do something like move
my mouse occassionally. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.


TweakUI contains the option to turn off background defrag.

It's not recommended really, this background defrag is benificial, and it
should not take very long, perhaps a minute. If yours appears to take a
long time something is amiss.

Best solution: try Perfect Disk. It disables the background defrag and
takes care of it itself, and it does a good job.


Thank you for the advice. I tried the earlier suggestion of "defrag
/revert", and that appears to have worked. I haven't heard the background
defrag going for the last two days. I will also see about getting Perfect

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