Hi Tom, you wrote:
"I haven't heard of this. Are you sure it didn't occur when you were
creating them."
Actually, it was a silly mistake on my part - I copied a cell containing a
drop down to paste it's formula into other cells, so the drop down was
copied too.
Is there a way to cycle through the drop downs, and remove any which aren't
named in the format:
"Drop Down [RC]" with [RC] = the address of the cell containing the Drop
Down, example: "A5". (So, I'd need to identify the cell that the DD is
currently hovering over, and then check to see that it's name matches that
As to your other question, yes I would be interested in seeing more code for
creating drop downs. After playing with the macro recorder, I did come up
with the first macro below to create them, but I am keen to be shown how to
clean it up (getting rid of the select, for example). The second macro was
provided by Vasant Nanavati, which enables me to position the created
Sub DropDowns_Create()
' DropDown_Create Macro
' Macro recorded 08/11/2003 by Darren
' MyCell = the cell in which the
Dim myRow As Integer
Dim myColumn As String
Dim strDropDown As String
Dim myLinkCell As String
Dim myLinkString As String
Dim myCounter As Integer
myColumn = "E"
myLinkCell = "AP"
For myRow = 5 To 24
ActiveSheet.DropDowns.Add(209.25, 88.5, 66.75, 15.75).Select
strDropDown = "Drop Down " & myColumn & myRow
myLinkString = "$" & myLinkCell & "$" & myRow
With Selection
.Name = strDropDown
.PrintObject = False
'.ListFillRange = "$BO$5:$BO$24"
.LinkedCell = myLinkString
.DropDownLines = 8
.Display3DShading = False
End With
End Sub
Sub DropDowns_Resize()
Dim drp As DropDown, iLen As Long
For Each drp In ActiveSheet.DropDowns
With drp
iLen = Len(drp.Name) - InStr(1, drp.Name, "n ") - 1
.Left = Range(Right(drp.Name, iLen)).Left
.Top = Range(Right(drp.Name, iLen)).Top
.Height = Range(Right(drp.Name, iLen)).Height
.Width = Range(Right(drp.Name, iLen)).Width
End With
End Sub
Tom Ogilvy said:
Hello Darren,
I haven't heard of this. Are you sure it didn't occur when you were
creating them.
Perhaps you created them by copying one and then editing the linked
the copy. When you pasted, it is not hard to repeat the action without
noticing. Perhaps you pasted, edited the link and then inadvertently did
another paste on top.
If I was going to add a lot of Drop Downs, I think I would do it with code
as the positioning and sizing can be done a lot more accurately.
Post back with some details if you want to see an example.
Tom Ogilvy
I've noticed that, when I have a large number of Forms Drop Downs, fairly
often one or more of them seem to decide to copy themselves over other
downs. When I click on the new copies, I notice that it is changing the
wrong linked cells, and discover it is a copy.
Does anyone know why this happens? Maybe there's a shortcut for copying
these things that I'm inadvertently typing.