Device Not Recognized

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I've been using this program successfully for months to burn avi files to CD. All of a sudden, when I try to do this, the program tells me it does not find a recording device - do I want to record to hard drive. I'm using the same external burner, same computer... How did this happen, but more importantly, where do I look to get this corrected. I've snooped around the commands and tried "help" but can't figure it out. Can you?
Try reading this from a previous question

CD-R Drive or CD-RW Drive Is Not Recognized As a Recordable Device

If the above KB Article doesn't help. Please open notepad, copy and paste
the following text. (in between the "Start of File" and "End of File")

------------- Start of File ------------------------------

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next

Dim WshShell, Message

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set WshShell = Nothing

Message = "Your CD/DVD-Rom drives should now appear in Windows Explorer." &
Message = Message & "You may need to reboot your computer to see the

MsgBox Message, 4096,"Finished!"

-------------- End of File -----------------------------------

Please save the file as "Fixcd.vbs" on your desktop. Double click the saved
file. A dialog box asks you to restart the system for the change to take

Hope this helps ...... :)

Ashok (Ashokan Achari)

The Posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Graham Hughes
shanesmom said:
I've been using this program successfully for months to burn avi files to
CD. All of a sudden, when I try to do this, the program tells me it does
not find a recording device - do I want to record to hard drive. I'm using
the same external burner, same computer... How did this happen, but more
importantly, where do I look to get this corrected. I've snooped around the
commands and tried "help" but can't figure it out. Can you?
Thanks very much for responding. Neither one of these suggestions worked, but they did lead me to the problem. Just so you know and if it helps anyone else, when I went to the "Recording" tab, it was there, BUT, the check box halfway down that page that says "Enable CD recording on this drive" was unchecked. I checked it, and sure enough, WMM recognized my drive. Don't know how it got unchecked but that's for another day. Thanks for leading me to a resolution!
Neither one of your suggestions worked but they did lead me to the problem. When I went to the recording tab for the drive and clicked on it, I noticed that the checkbox that says "Enable CD recording on this drive" was unchecked. I checked it and sure enough, WMM recognized my drive. Don't know how it got unchecked, but that's for another day. Thanks very much for leading me to the resolution!
Neither one of your suggestions worked but they did lead me to the problem. When I went to the recording tab for the drive and clicked on it, I noticed that the checkbox that says "Enable CD recording on this drive" was unchecked. I checked it and sure enough, WMM recognized my drive. Don't know how it got unchecked, but that's for another day. Thanks very much for leading me to the resolution!
Ooops, should always start with the simple things!! Glad it's working now.
Graham Hughes
shanesmom said:
Neither one of your suggestions worked but they did lead me to the
problem. When I went to the recording tab for the drive and clicked on it,
I noticed that the checkbox that says "Enable CD recording on this drive"
was unchecked. I checked it and sure enough, WMM recognized my drive.
Don't know how it got unchecked, but that's for another day. Thanks very
much for leading me to the resolution!