Microsoft Message 1: Device driver for communication port
(com1)device iz preventing machine from entering
standby. May need to update this driver
Microsoft Message 2: The driver for the display device
was unable to complete a drawing operation. Please check
with the device manufacturer for a driver update.
szAppName: Driver Display sz App Ver 10DE0111B2002C1545
szModName: nv4 disp.dll sz Mod Ver Offset
C:\\WINNT\Log Files\\Watchdog\040111_0710.01.WDL I am
not a professional. Does anyone out there know what all
this means? I have been checking for updates and trying
to find out the problem for three days. Please help if
you can
(com1)device iz preventing machine from entering
standby. May need to update this driver
Microsoft Message 2: The driver for the display device
was unable to complete a drawing operation. Please check
with the device manufacturer for a driver update.
szAppName: Driver Display sz App Ver 10DE0111B2002C1545
szModName: nv4 disp.dll sz Mod Ver Offset
C:\\WINNT\Log Files\\Watchdog\040111_0710.01.WDL I am
not a professional. Does anyone out there know what all
this means? I have been checking for updates and trying
to find out the problem for three days. Please help if
you can