I've got a C# winform application I'm developing where I'm heavily reliant
on certain keys in the app.config file. I understand that when I build and
run the app in VS.NET app.config is rebuilt (?) and renamed as
MyApp.exe.config and placed next to the executable file. However, this
config file is stuck in the bin/debug or bin/release directories while all
of the other directories required reside two levels up from there. When I
deploy this application we will be putting the executable at the same level
as the other directories (there will be no bin, etc.).
So the problem is I'd like to get rid of some of these keys in my
appSettings section of the config file but I can't refer to them using
Application.StartingPath or Application.ExecutionPath since they are two
levels down when I'm developing this thing. I can't very well just go
through and change them just prior to releasing as my application will be
tested thouroughly.
What gives? What can I do here? I'd like to stop relying on the config
file for all of my required paths.
on certain keys in the app.config file. I understand that when I build and
run the app in VS.NET app.config is rebuilt (?) and renamed as
MyApp.exe.config and placed next to the executable file. However, this
config file is stuck in the bin/debug or bin/release directories while all
of the other directories required reside two levels up from there. When I
deploy this application we will be putting the executable at the same level
as the other directories (there will be no bin, etc.).
So the problem is I'd like to get rid of some of these keys in my
appSettings section of the config file but I can't refer to them using
Application.StartingPath or Application.ExecutionPath since they are two
levels down when I'm developing this thing. I can't very well just go
through and change them just prior to releasing as my application will be
tested thouroughly.
What gives? What can I do here? I'd like to stop relying on the config
file for all of my required paths.