Larry Waibel
What tool/mechanism do most people use for getting the built images over to
their target? I've been using Remote Recover but Winternals charges $1500
for the Administrator Pak and won't sell RR separately and won't do any
volume discount or floating license. Paying that much for a bunch of
developers when we only need a very tiny part of the Pak is ridiculous but I
don't see any other good alternatives. Booting XP from the CD just to be
able to share out the target to copy for is quite a long boot. All that's
needed is a DOS boot that supports long file names and can share out to be
seen by XP. Are there any alternatives? Thanks!
their target? I've been using Remote Recover but Winternals charges $1500
for the Administrator Pak and won't sell RR separately and won't do any
volume discount or floating license. Paying that much for a bunch of
developers when we only need a very tiny part of the Pak is ridiculous but I
don't see any other good alternatives. Booting XP from the CD just to be
able to share out the target to copy for is quite a long boot. All that's
needed is a DOS boot that supports long file names and can share out to be
seen by XP. Are there any alternatives? Thanks!