Development Practice: multiple assemblies


Curtis Justus


We are making a large scale application with numerous assemblies. We have
our business object assemblies, UI assemblies, etc. During the course of
the project, people would be getting errors trying to compile their user
controls. The errors state that the version of the lower-level DLL is not
the right version.

Let's say we have the following structure:

Low-level DLL: LowDLL.DLL

UserControl1 references LowDLL.DLL
UserControl2 references LowDLL.DLL
UserControl3 references LowDLL.DLL

Main application (myapp.exe) refers to all three user controls.

Is the best way to make sure LowDLL.DLL is the right version to make sure
everybody has the "right version?" I know this is probably a very simple
question, but please humor me ;-).

Thank you in advance,

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


I think that if you strong name the LowDLL.DLL assembly, then the
version number must match when making references to it. The strong name
changes when the assembly version changes.

Hope this helps.

Curtis Justus

That's what I thought. Thanks.

Nicholas Paldino said:

I think that if you strong name the LowDLL.DLL assembly, then the
version number must match when making references to it. The strong name
changes when the assembly version changes.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Curtis Justus said:

We are making a large scale application with numerous assemblies. We have
our business object assemblies, UI assemblies, etc. During the course of
the project, people would be getting errors trying to compile their user
controls. The errors state that the version of the lower-level DLL is not
the right version.

Let's say we have the following structure:

Low-level DLL: LowDLL.DLL

UserControl1 references LowDLL.DLL
UserControl2 references LowDLL.DLL
UserControl3 references LowDLL.DLL

Main application (myapp.exe) refers to all three user controls.

Is the best way to make sure LowDLL.DLL is the right version to make sure
everybody has the "right version?" I know this is probably a very simple
question, but please humor me ;-).

Thank you in advance,

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