Determining weather a macro will run or not



:confused: Hi – I am looking for some help
I would like to base weather a macro runs or not based on the day fo
the week.
I have a button for each day of the week that an operator would push t
complete some tasks. I want to avoid the potential of the operato
pushing the wrong button – (I.e. the wrong day).
I was thinking of using =today() and =weekday() functions in workshee
somewhere to test against. So that when the macro starts, I could tes
the =weekday() against a hard coded value on the macro.
For example:
If Windows("spreadsheet.xls").Activate
Range("A!").Select = 4 – (where 4 is equal to =weekday() )
Then – run the macro ….
Else – do nothing – or maybe an error message box – telling th
operator to choose the right button
Any help !??!?!?!

Bernie Deitrick


You should write your _single_ macro code to run based on the weekday, not have separate code for
each weekday.

Post your code, and somebody will help....

MS Excel MVP


Your idea is OK, but you don't need to use the worksheet functions, do it all
from within the macro, e.g:
Sub Button1_Click() ' For Monday
If Weekday(Date,1)=2 Then
... put code for Monday here
End If
End Sub

Do you really need separate buttons, though? Why not one button and have
your macro automatically run the appropriate code for the day it is?

Sub MasterButton_Click()
Select Case Weekday(Date,1)
Case 1 ' Sunday
... code for Sunday
Case 2 ' Monday
... code for Monday
Case 3 ' Tuesday
... code for Tuesday
etc. for other days up to:
Case 7 ' Saturday
... code for Saturday
End Select
End Sub


Hi K Dales

I am not a programmer by trade – but have had some experience in the
I was able to do what I needed to by using the Case statement.
Works Great so far !!!
Thank you VERY much for pointing me in the right direction!

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