Thanks for your response, Dave.
I know about Application.Version. Problem is that
CommandBars.DisableCustomize doesn't exist in Excel 2000
VBA, but I need it when the workbook is hosted in Office
XP. I can force the 2000 compiler to ignore that code if
I use conditional compilation with compiler directives:
#If...#Then...#Else...#End If (new in Excel 2000.)
Otherwise, 2000 VBA throws an error just at the sight of
CommandBars.DisableCustomize, before any code in the
module even executes.
Unfortunately, application.version doesn't work with the
compiler directives. The directives work only with hard
constants, and there aren't any built-in constants for
Excel/Office version that I can find.
The solution I have found is somewhat convoluted,
involving the use of Add-In methods to load (and later on
unload) part of the VBA code from a file or a worksheet
into a code module after editing it to set a conditional
compilation constant based on application.version. It's
not pretty, but it does meet the objective of a single
code base and so far it seems to work.
Jim Gross
-----Original Message-----
I've lost the original post in this thread, but you could check the
application.version to see what version of excel you're running:
Option Explicit
Sub test()
If CDbl(Application.Version) >= 10 Then
Call SubToDisableCustomize
'do your earlier version stuff
End If
End Sub
Then in a module that contains nothing but these lines:
Option Explicit
Sub SubToDisableCustomize()
Application.CommandBars.DisableCustomize = True
End Sub
The second module won't compile in earlier versions of excel, but it won't be
run either--so it doesn't need to.
And Peter Beach had a neat idea to use late binding to a similar question: 23zeczIyqCHA.2488%40TK2MSFTNGP12
Sub a()
Dim o As Object
Set o = Application
On Error Resume Next
o.CommandBars.DisableAskAQuestionDropdown = True
If Err.Number = 0 Then
MsgBox "2002"
MsgBox "not 2002"
End If
End Sub
You would change that to
o.commandbars.disablecustomize = true
needed to disable Excel's built-in menu/toolbar buttons
depending upon Excel version. In Excel 2002, the
property CommandBars.DisableCustomize must be used to
prevent re-enabling the buttons through customization,
thanks to changes including the new Toolbar Options
feature and loss of the "Well" command bars in xlVBA.
CommandBars.DisableCustomize does not exist in earlier
versions (Excel 2000) and a different strategy is needed
to accomplish the same sees CommandBars.DisableCustomize. Conversely (and
perhaps worse), using the code that works in 2000 leaves
a gaping back door open in 2002. There appears to be no
way to identify the Excel or Office version in
conditional compilation directives to prevent this.