How do I determine if a ppt file has OLE embedded in it?
Thank you so much. Does that mean that some objects are just embedded while
others are embedded and also linked?
"John Langhans [MSFT]" said:Hello Julie,
If your presentation has an OLE object in it, it should be listed in the
Contents tab of the file Properties dialog:
1) File -> Properties
2) Switch to "Contents" tab
3) Look for any entries listed under the "Embedded OLE Servers" heading
If you have "Linked" OLE objects, they will be listed in the same list
under the "Links" heading
John Langhans [MSFT]
Supportability Program Manager
Steve Rindsberg said:Somebody'll correct me if I'm off base but ... OLE objects are either
linked OR
embedded. Not both.
Hmmm, you just knew I was gonna chime in. <g> You could have the media
player (OLE) embedded, and then have it linked to the media. Ok, not the
same thing but I just had ta...