My office was wire for network purposes I while back, most of the ports
were labelled. However I now need to identify unlabelled ports so that I
can ensure that they are patched into the server properly. Can anyone tell
me the proper way of dealing with this?! If I am really lucky and they are
already patch in (and yes, so much for security if that is the case), is
there a command or function that would permit me to identify through which
port the local computer is communicating to the server?
Thank you very much for the help?
My office was wire for network purposes I while back, most of the ports
were labelled. However I now need to identify unlabelled ports so that I
can ensure that they are patched into the server properly. Can anyone tell
me the proper way of dealing with this?! If I am really lucky and they are
already patch in (and yes, so much for security if that is the case), is
there a command or function that would permit me to identify through which
port the local computer is communicating to the server?
Thank you very much for the help?