determine the network adapter linkspeed from network clients

Apr 4, 2009
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I want to determine the network adapter linkspeed from network clients. I need to find this information but there are restrictions in the way to aproach.
The user of the workstation can not be interupted, so I need to do this on a command line interface over the network.

I have found out that remote accessing the registry of the workstation is not the way to go. Whitout the exact knowledge of the hardware (network adapter) that workstation is using, you can not find the exact registry key to know the linkspeed.

I'm looking for a tool or a script that make it possible. It should be kind if you could point me towards a possibel solution :-)

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

Ok so basically you need to check the Auto-negotiate speeds that clients connected to the network are picking up? Is there any particular reasons for this or is it just for auditing purposes? What type of switch setup have you got?
Mike the tech guy said:

Ok so basically you need to check the Auto-negotiate speeds that clients connected to the network are picking up? Is there any particular reasons for this or is it just for auditing purposes? What type of switch setup have you got?

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply!
I need this information just for auditing the workstations.
Your suggestion of going trough the network switch sounds nice but I'm not alowed to logon to the device :-/ The customer is a big Hospital so there are some restrictions ...

How about looking at it ?
Usually green represents 1Gb/s
Amber 10/100Mbs

on 100Mb/s switchs
Green = 100Mb/s
Amber = 10Mb/s

Yeah checking out the switches would be the best bet, if you cant get access to them(assuming there managed switches - would probably be Cisco 3500 series in a hospital) then Jaling's suggestion of checking out the LED's isnt a bad one. As for being able to run a script or a reg file to collect the info from the PC's i'm not too sure off the top of my head - are the hospital not running any asset managemrnt software, hospital's/NHS trusts that i have worked for previousley have used Novell Zenworks or Centinniel discovery, and that i believe would be able to get the info. Cheers.