Determine sheets with Links

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay
  • Start date Start date


I have several worksheets in a file, some of which are
linked to another Excel file. How can I determine which
worksheets have the links?

I know what file is linked (Edit>Links option). But how do
I determine which worksheet has the links in them? I have
too many worksheets to look through.
not elegant, but you could select all sheets, then do a
find for "C:" or the name of the file (if it's only
one...part of the path if it's more than one). You'll
have to click through while it goes through each link in
each sheet, but you'll skip over ones that have no links.

It's an idea. Don't know how to use Find or Search
functions in more than just a simple text string, but
that's a way also if you can figure it out. You list
each sheet name, then do the same formula (find the path
name or file name in each sheet individually...each
formula being next to the sheet name on your side sheet).
