Determine NT groups if in hierarchy?

  • Thread starter Thread starter gary.comstock
  • Start date Start date


We have setup 4 NT groups - Executive, Manager, Employee and
Contractor. The premise is that an Executive has all of the privileges
of Itself plus Manager plus Employee plus Contractor while an Employee
only has itself and Contractor.

We did this as a hierarchy where the higher (i.e. Executive) has a
member of the one directly below (i.e. Manager):

Executive has a member of Manager
Manager has a member of Employee
Employee has a member of Contractor

Using .NET 2.0 we are using Page.User.Identity.Name to determine the
user and from there can determine the NT groups in which they belong by
using the following:

// Display the SIDs for the groups the current user belongs.
Response.Write("<br>Display the SIDs for the groups the current user
WindowsIdentity wi = User.Identity as WindowsIdentity;
Response.Write("Is Authenticated=" + wi.IsAuthenticated);
// Display the SID for the owner.
Response.Write("The SID for the owner is : ");
SecurityIdentifier si = wi.Owner;
StringCollection roles = new StringCollection();
foreach (IdentityReference group in wi.Groups)
Response.Write("<br>" + group.Value);
string role =
Response.Write(" - " + role.ToString());

If I set myself up in the Manager group and run the code above I see
that I'm a member of the Manager group. The problem is that I need to
check to make sure I'm a member of the Employee group but how would I
go about doing this? Do I write code that somehow traverses the groups
or will NT handle this? Since theoretically if I'm a member of the
Manager then if we setup the groups correctly I should also be a member
of Employee and Contractor. We're attempting Impersonation/Delegation
against a database.

Easy to test. Set youself up as a member of the emloyees group and then if
this is a member of the managers group,. If NT were to apply its
hierarchical membership method you would be a member of managers by default.
However, I dont think ( and I may be wrong ) that this works in this fashion
for the purposes of ASP.NET I would be interested to try that though.

Post back and let us know how you got on
It actually worked! NT traversed the the groups and displayed all of
the member groups.
