Frank Kabel
try something like the following
sub test_wks()
dim wks as worksheet
on error goto 0
set wks=activeworkbook.worksheets("ACCOUNTS")
on error goto 0
if wks is nothing then
msgbox "sheet does not exist"
end if
end sub
file that our users are supposed to fill in, but they
don't always use it.
have reasonable assurance that those names won't be
changed (nevermind the fact that our user population isn't
savy enough to know how to change the worksheet names if
their lives depended on it).
named "ACCOUNTS" and "TOTALS", I can do that. Is there an
easy way to do that?
try something like the following
sub test_wks()
dim wks as worksheet
on error goto 0
set wks=activeworkbook.worksheets("ACCOUNTS")
on error goto 0
if wks is nothing then
msgbox "sheet does not exist"
end if
end sub
sheets and summarize their data. We've provided a temlate-----Original Message-----
Hey all,
I'm writing an app that will loop through a series of XLS
file that our users are supposed to fill in, but they
don't always use it.
and "TOTALS". The workbooks are locked/protected, so IThe template file contains 2 worksheets, named "ACCOUNTS"
have reasonable assurance that those names won't be
changed (nevermind the fact that our user population isn't
savy enough to know how to change the worksheet names if
their lives depended on it).
and I think that if I can test for the existence of sheetsI'd like to verify that I'm working with the correct WB,
named "ACCOUNTS" and "TOTALS", I can do that. Is there an
easy way to do that?
automation and referencing Excel objects.I don't know if it matters, but I'm using Access 2000