How can I tell via code if a Form is already open.
Each time my forms load I have some initialization code that runs, but if
the form is already open and hidden I don't want that initialization code to
run. Thus, I just want to unhide the form.
My thought is eveyrtime I go to load a form I could scan through all the
open forms in my project and determine whether the one I'm getting ready to
load is open or not.
So, this is a two part question.
1. How can I tell if a form is open?
2. How can I loop through all open forms?
Thank you.
Each time my forms load I have some initialization code that runs, but if
the form is already open and hidden I don't want that initialization code to
run. Thus, I just want to unhide the form.
My thought is eveyrtime I go to load a form I could scan through all the
open forms in my project and determine whether the one I'm getting ready to
load is open or not.
So, this is a two part question.
1. How can I tell if a form is open?
2. How can I loop through all open forms?
Thank you.