I'm having a bit of bother doing this.
I'm printing membership cards on a form, 10 to a page, 2 up. The cards are
sorted on last name, first name. Some of the cards are for family members
with each member of the family getting a card. After printing, the cards
need to be torn apart at the perfs and mailed in an envelope. Here's the
problem. I would like to print an "M" at the edge of the cards that should
all go in the same envelope to the same family. This makes it easy for the
stuffer to do his job. To print the "M", I need to know if the address of
the previous card already printed is the same as the current card. How might
this be coded?
Thanks for any help,
I'm printing membership cards on a form, 10 to a page, 2 up. The cards are
sorted on last name, first name. Some of the cards are for family members
with each member of the family getting a card. After printing, the cards
need to be torn apart at the perfs and mailed in an envelope. Here's the
problem. I would like to print an "M" at the edge of the cards that should
all go in the same envelope to the same family. This makes it easy for the
stuffer to do his job. To print the "M", I need to know if the address of
the previous card already printed is the same as the current card. How might
this be coded?
Thanks for any help,