I'm using the well documented code to detect whether a timeout has occurred
when a page is fetched in the OnInit() event handler:
If Session.IsNewSession Then
Dim CookieHeader As String = Request.Headers("Cookie")
If Not CookieHeader Is Nothing AndAlso
CookieHeader.IndexOf("ASP.NET_SessionId") >= 0 Then
End If
End IF
This works - sort of. It works by checking to see if the ASP.NET_SessionId
cookie exists when a new session is started. If it is present, then this is
(supposed) to indicate that it's a new session.
However, if you have two applications running on the same IIS web server,
then it triggers incorrectly. Both applications implement the above code.
1. Open
2. IsNewSession is true but cookie isn't present
3. Open
4. IsNewSession is true but the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie also exists (why is
Therefore the user is directed to the timeout page of webapp2.
I've tried adding setting the path (in Session_Start event) of the
Response.Cookie("ASP.NET_SessionId" to Request.PhysicalApplicationPath but
that doesn't seem to make any difference.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Rob.