Thanks for taking the time to read my problem.
We have one floor of our building which people have been plugging in
USB network adapters, and connecting thier own duct taped together
network. It is against our policy to allow other networks to mingle
with our own. We do not want to lock down the rights of the local
What we thought may be a solution is to have their login or logoff
script detect if more than one ip address is assigned, or more than one
network adapter is installed, and send an alert.
Thank You
Thanks for taking the time to read my problem.
We have one floor of our building which people have been plugging in
USB network adapters, and connecting thier own duct taped together
network. It is against our policy to allow other networks to mingle
with our own. We do not want to lock down the rights of the local
What we thought may be a solution is to have their login or logoff
script detect if more than one ip address is assigned, or more than one
network adapter is installed, and send an alert.
Thank You