Occurs after a DataRow has been changed successfully.
[Visual Basic]
Public Event RowChanged As DataRowChangeEventHandler
public event DataRowChangeEventHandler RowChanged;
public: __event DataRowChangeEventHandler* RowChanged;
[JScript] In JScript, you can handle the events defined by a class, but you
cannot define your own.
Event Data
The event handler receives an argument of type DataRowChangeEventArgs
containing data related to this event. The following DataRowChangeEventArgs
properties provide information specific to this event.
Property Description
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a DataRow.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
For more information see Working with DataTable Events.
[Visual Basic]
Private Shared Sub DataTableRowChanged()
Dim custTable As DataTable = New DataTable("Customers")
' add columns
custTable.Columns.Add( "id", Type.GetType("System.Int32") )
custTable.Columns.Add( "name", Type.GetType("System.String") )
custTable.Columns.Add( "address", Type.GetType("System.String") )
' set PrimaryKey
custTable.Columns( "id" ).Unique = true
custTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() { custTable.Columns("id") }
' add a RowChanged event handler for the table.
AddHandler custTable.RowChanged, New DataRowChangeEventHandler(
AddressOf Row_Changed )
' add ten rows
Dim id As Integer
For id = 1 To 10
custTable.Rows.Add( _
New Object() { id, string.Format("customer{0}", id),
string.Format("address{0}", id) } )
' change the name column in all the rows
Dim row As DataRow
For Each row In custTable.Rows
row("name") = string.Format( "vip{0}", row("id") )
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Row_Changed(sender As Object, e As
Console.WriteLine( "Row_Changed Event: name={0}; action={1}", _
e.Row("name"), e.Action)
End Sub
private static void DataTableRowChanged()
DataTable custTable = new DataTable("Customers");
// add columns
custTable.Columns.Add( "id", typeof(int) );
custTable.Columns.Add( "name", typeof(string) );
custTable.Columns.Add( "address", typeof(string) );
// set PrimaryKey
custTable.Columns[ "id" ].Unique = true;
custTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { custTable.Columns["id"] };
// add a RowChanged event handler for the table.
custTable.RowChanged += new DataRowChangeEventHandler( Row_Changed );
// add ten rows
for( int id=1; id<=10; id++ )
new object[] { id, string.Format("customer{0}", id),
string.Format("address{0}", id) } );
// change the name column in all the rows
foreach( DataRow row in custTable.Rows )
row["name"] = string.Format( "vip{0}", row["id"] );
private static void Row_Changed( object sender, DataRowChangeEventArgs e )
Console.WriteLine( "Row_Changed Event: name={0}; action={1}",
e.Row["name"], e.Action );
static void DataTableRowChanged() {
DataTable* custTable = new DataTable(S"Customers");
// add columns
custTable->Columns->Add(S"id", __typeof(int));
custTable->Columns->Add(S"name", __typeof(String));
custTable->Columns->Add(S"address", __typeof(String));
// set PrimaryKey
custTable->Columns->Item[ S"id" ]->Unique = true;
DataColumn* ColumnArray[] = { custTable->Columns->Item[S"id"] };
custTable->PrimaryKey = ColumnArray;
// add a RowChanged event handler for the table.
custTable->RowChanged += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(0, Row_Changed);
// add ten rows
for (int id=1; id<=10; id++) {
Object* temp0 [] = {__box(id), String::Format(S"customer {0}",
__box(id)), String::Format(S"address {0}", __box(id)) };
// change the name column in all the rows
System::Collections::IEnumerator* myEnum =
while (myEnum->MoveNext()) {
DataRow* row = __try_cast<DataRow*>(myEnum->Current);
row->Item[S"name"] = String::Format(S"vip {0}", row->Item[S"id"]);
static void Row_Changed(Object* sender,


ataRowChangeEventArgs* e) {
Console::WriteLine(S"Row_Changed Event: name= {0}; action= {1}",
e->Row->Item[S"name"],__box( e->Action));
[JScript] No example is available for JScript. To view a Visual Basic, C#,
or C++ example, click the Language Filter button in the upper-left corner
of the page.
Regards - One Handed Man
Author : Fish .NET & Keep .NET