Hello, (e-mail address removed)!
You wrote on 3 Sep 2006 09:27:50 -0700:
m> Hi, I'm creating an MSI for a client app using a Visual Studio Setup
m> Project. I'm trying to detect if Internet Explorer is running on the
m> target computer before I start the installation. How do I go about
m> detecting this?
Add custom action, where you will detect if IE is running or not...
I'm afraid that in setup project you won't be able to do that directly.
To resolve this you can do the following.
After building setup project with VS you can patch (add custom action
manually) it using Orca tool
http://astebner.sts.winisp.net/Tools/Orca.zip )
Example of managed custom action is here
http://geekswithblogs.net/vagmi.mudumbai/archive/2005/03/28/27473.aspx )
Example of unmanaged custom action
http://codeproject.com/tips/msicustomaction.asp )
To detect if IE is running you should detect its process "iexplore.exe".
This can be done via Process.GetProcesses() method.