Detect/Convert Time Zones

  • Thread starter Thread starter scorpion53061
  • Start date Start date


I had an update function in software I wrote. IT worked great for the
people in my time zone. It would check a file on a server and a file on
their computer and if it appeared earlier than the update it would
download to them.

However, I actually got a customer out of my time zone. The result was
for the next hour it kept prompting them to update.

My question is how could I detect the time zone and account for it in
checking with a file on a server to verify if they need an update?

Thank you for your help.
one way would be to give the user a option to choose his timezone, by this
you have the needed time differnce.
but sience you have to keep in mind that most part of all users are DAU's
(Dumbest possible user), and screw up things easily, this won't bring you
very far but it would be a minimalistic solution

greetz the Dude
Just use times in UTC. As long as each user has their time zone setup
correctly those times will be the same for all your users. Of course this
does not apply to a web application, but I don't think that's your case.
