detailed reference books with and c#

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve H.
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Steve H.

Hi all,

I'm searching for a few good books on and c#. I'm afraid of buying
books here in denmark that i cant read though before i get them, becuase 90%
of them are just pure junk. I dont need 3 chapters on object oriented
programming or c# inside a book.

Looking mainly for reference books or tactics books that would cover all
aspects of, like security, controls, session managment, web.config
and so on.
Hello Steve H.,

Depends on two things: 1.1 or 2.0; and how experiences are you?

if 1.1, and somewhat experienced, I highly suggest Fritz Onion's ASP.NET book

If 1.1 and somewhat a beginner, I suggest Jesse Liberty's ASP.NET book

If 2.0, you're too soon. Wait for end of year before the good crop of books

Shawn Wildermuth
Speaker, Author and C# MVP
Thanks for the response.

1.1 is what i'm looking for. 2.0 sounds fun, but cant risk the unknown for
a paycheck.
The company i'm working for is in the process of converting asp3 to,
we are 2 months into the conversion and about 7-8 months away from the goal.
We dont have the option of changing technology now, and would be afraid of
diving into untested waters. 6 months after it's released and i'd have much
more faith. So it works out good in a way, after asp to 1.1 .net is done,
we can look at 2.0 and the conversion from 1.1 to 2.0 wont be half as big as
what we are undertaking now.

God i'd love the master page option of 2.0.
Hello Juan,

With the problems I am seeing in 2.0 development one month from release,
I suspect a fair number of projects will opt to skip 2.0 for the time being.
MS needs to be careful about "depreciating" 1.1 until people are happy with
2.0. Juan, are you a MS guy, or external to MS? I don't want to assume
the depreciating comment is a notice from MS if it is just your opinion.

Shawn Wildermuth
Speaker, Author and C# MVP
Juan, are you a MS guy, or external to MS?

Shawn, you are an MVP.
My signature says I'm an MVP.

You *know* that MVPs cannot be MS employees.

MS needs to be careful about "depreciating" 1.1

What I wrote was that "ASP.NET 1.1 will be slowly deprecated"
after ASP.NET 2.0 is introduced, just like ASP.NET 1.0 was slowly
deprecated after ASP.NET 1.1 was introduced.

It's a natural market effect for that to happen,
and is not something MS will, or will not, do.

MS will continue to support ASP.NET 1.1 for a long time,
but the *market* will slowly deprecate it, i.e., it will be used
less and less as time passes.

With the problems I am seeing in 2.0 development one month from release, I suspect a
fair number of projects will opt to skip 2.0 for the time being.

You may very well suspect that, although you don't provide any specifics.

I believe just the opposite : that ASP.NET 2.0 solves many more
problems than it brings with it, and that the benefits of its adoption are clear.

Add to that : VS.NET 2005 has been much improved over VS.NET 2003,
and you should agree that the net result is a far better way to develop ASP.NET
applications...which deliver substantially better performance.

There's absolutely *zero* chance of my using
ASP.NET 1.1 for any development project I endeavor.

Most ASP.NET developers I talk to feel the same way.

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
Foros de ASP.NET en Español :
There's absolutely *zero* chance of my using
ASP.NET 1.1 for any development project I endeavor.

Most ASP.NET developers I talk to feel the same way.

There is always this "it's best" or at least "it's better". Of course .net
2.0 is an improvement. But some of us dont have the option of determining
how/when/and with which tools things are developed in.
Of course .net 2.0 is an improvement.

That's the way I see it, too.

some of us dont have the option of determining how/when/and with which tools things are
developed in.

Sure, but I'm sure you'll want to work with the tools you consider
are better/more efficient/easier to work with, and you'll make the
case for your company to adopt those tools, regardless of which
those tools might be.

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
Foros de ASP.NET en Español :
Well, situation as is, we work with vs2003 at the moment. I was just
looking for what others consider to be good books. We will surely
move to 2.0 when the time comes, but it's just not now.

I had a very good c# book from microsoft which was more like a textbook that
covered every single aspect of c# without "showing by only example". was
hoping to find a similar style book for
Well, situation as is, we work with vs2003 at the moment. I was just
looking for what others consider to be good books. We will surely
move to 2.0 when the time comes, but it's just not now.

I had a very good c# book from microsoft which was more like a textbook that
covered every single aspect of c# without "showing by only example". was
hoping to find a similar style book for
Hi, Steve.

without "showing by only example". was hoping to find a similar style book for

It's very hard to deal with the complex ASP.NET architecture
without going into extensive "show by example" code.

The catch with books currently on the market is, of course,
that they were written with Beta 2, or earlier, code.

I'm a Dino Esposito fan for ASP.NET topics,
and never miss his in-depth articles in MSDN Magazine :

This month, Dino explains "Personalization and User Profiles"

The index page for the current MSDN Magazine issue is :

Going through the code there, not only by Dino, but by all the rest
of the great authors who contribute to MSDN Mag. will place you
at the "Cutting Edge" of ASP.NET.

The MSDN magazine's archives are a motherlode of information.

In January, MS Press will publish Dino's
"Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Applications: Advanced Topics"

I can't wait to get it.

This is not to say that all the other fine ASP.NET authors aren't as good
or as exhaustive as Dino, but that I find his way of explaining things to be
direct and to the point, bypassing what has become a fad : writing "cute"
articles and books, instead of solid references.

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
Foros de ASP.NET en Español :