On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 22:04:52 -0500, "Duane Hookom"
I want to be able to set a variable number of detail sections that will be
printed on a page so that I can use the same report for multiple situations. I
thought that te easiest way to do this would to be able to set the detail
section height to a fixed value for each case. At worst, I can make a field
for the detail height, but the field would still have to be read. I know the
number of detail sections for individual reports and I can make a formula that
calculates how high the section should be to just fill the page.
I'm using A97 and the height property will only accept a simple number value.
Can you be more specific or provide some examples? "depending on the inputs
to the formula" has little or no meaning to me and possibly others.
Maybe you should state why you think you need to do this.
And to me, top posting makes more sense.
Usually I don't need to see all the previous posts to know what has been going
on. If I do, then I can scan down. Bur I hate to scan down thru half a dozen
long replys to see "thank you". To those who want to reply to the top posting
statement, please use big snips where appropriate.
Just a wizard prodder