A datarow in a dataset (Rows collection of a datatable ) can have the
following rowstates:
1. A row has this rowstate when you add it to the rows collection...
2. Rowstate for removed rows.
4. Rowstate for rows that where edited.
5. Nothing happened to rows of this type (initial rowstate).
3. Detached rows: A row has this rowstate when it's about to be added or
removed from the rows collection of a datatable.
But, rows with this rowstate are not a part of the rows collection. So,
I don't have a reference to access them...
Example when this occurs: 'A user adds a line in a datagrid, but the
cursor is still in the new line, as long as the cursor stays there, the
rowstate of this row is detached, when you change row in the datagrid the
rowstate will become 'Added'.
I hope this makes it a bit clearer...