gloom n gray in
I've had to do a destructive restore to my box,now after
starting it i can get it to come on with pci vidio card
(11mb built in on motherboard),when i load the driver for
it and restart it won't work,black screen,unless i plug
it in mother board slot,works.tryed to turn it off in the
bios but when it goes to the bios no screen unless i plug
it into 64 mb pci card.turn it off and start it up same
thing.uninstall the driver and it works,but
choppy.Checked for updates,none and everything is sharing
fine.Do i need to do a destructive restore with the pci
card out so it doesn't recognise it,then install it,or is
there something i'm missing.(please don't tell me another
D-R,Loading all the programs,drivers,and updates AGAIN
will turn my hair a lighter shade of gray,may even need
blood presure medication again.)Thanks for any and all
starting it i can get it to come on with pci vidio card
(11mb built in on motherboard),when i load the driver for
it and restart it won't work,black screen,unless i plug
it in mother board slot,works.tryed to turn it off in the
bios but when it goes to the bios no screen unless i plug
it into 64 mb pci card.turn it off and start it up same
thing.uninstall the driver and it works,but
choppy.Checked for updates,none and everything is sharing
fine.Do i need to do a destructive restore with the pci
card out so it doesn't recognise it,then install it,or is
there something i'm missing.(please don't tell me another
D-R,Loading all the programs,drivers,and updates AGAIN
will turn my hair a lighter shade of gray,may even need
blood presure medication again.)Thanks for any and all