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Recently, an error message has started during start up. Windows installer is
performing some additional configuration of Windows Sidebar and is looking
for the file "destinations.msi" in a temporary folder that was cleaned out
and no longer exists. Does anyone know what this file is and perhaps suggest
a solution?

Thank you,
have you downloaded a add-in to the side bar? and before installing it,
cleaned up temporary files? as so far it looks to me like this, so you have
to once again download that gadget add-in and restart the process.
.. Open a command prompt by being Administrator (Right click on Command Prompt and click Run as Administrator)
2. CD to C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar ( cd drive letter:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar )
3. Run these commands in this order:
1. regsvr32 -u sbdrop.dll
2. regsvr32 -u wlsrvc.dll
3. regsvr32 atl.dll
4. regsvr32 sbdrop.dll
5. regsvr32 wlsrvc.dll

And start up the side bar It should work

EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice
on startup have message configering destionations msi load cd which i dont have have tried to download but on clicking the second run nothing happens computer will not download