Desperation's door! Can't save movie!

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Wife will pack a bag for me if I don't get daughter's graduation video saved. The storyboard plays beautifully--27 minutes, 300+ photos, 6 songs, 5 video clips.

The content here and at PapaJohn's is wonderful and reflects many of the problems I have been having, "not recognizing drive", "can't find source files", etc.

I made a one clip movie and ran it through the process as suggested, and everything works great (other than the DVD only played in one of our 3 DVD players)

At this point I have to save movie in any format that I can work with later.

Thanks. Desperately Seeking Movie (Hank)

Does that mean it's time for you to break the 27 minute project into a few 9
minute ones and add them together?

It's one of those things that's easier to do than to think about doing.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

"Desperately Seeking Saved Movie (Hank)" <Desperately Seeking Saved Movie
(Hank)> wrote in message
Wife will pack a bag for me if I don't get daughter's graduation video
saved. The storyboard plays beautifully--27 minutes, 300+ photos, 6 songs,
5 video clips.
The content here and at PapaJohn's is wonderful and reflects many of the
problems I have been having, "not recognizing drive", "can't find source
files", etc.
I made a one clip movie and ran it through the process as suggested, and
everything works great (other than the DVD only played in one of our 3 DVD
Thanks, I can try that as soon as I get home.

Should I assume it's not likely I would ever get it to save as a whole?
Is it easy to break apart?
Is it easy to put back together again?

Thanks again. Hank
I wouldn't assume it won't save, but if it stops showing progress, give it a
few extra minutes, but not more than 10 before canceling the process.

Yes, it's easy to break apart and put back together... but how easy you find
it might depend on your skill level.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

"Desperately Seeking Saved Movie (Hank)"

Any suggestions on how to break apart and put back together, or find documentation as to how?

There's no documentation... I'm thinking of that for one of my weekly

You have 300+ photos, 6 songs, 5 video clips. A couple approaches:

If you're feeling lucky open your original project, strip the 6 songs from
the timeline and see if it'll render to a DV-AVI file. You'll have all but
the music. If that works, then re-open the project so it has everything...
and strip off everything except the music. Render that one... when MM2 sees
it's only music, it'll render it to a WMA file.

Then import the DV-AVI file and the WMA file and make your final movie with
those two clips.

If you're not feeling lucky, or that didn't work (didn't get past the first
render), try the first render again, but in two parts... strip off the last
half of the video clips, everything beyond some mid-point. You can always
add some simple transition between the two big parts. Strip off all the
music again, and any of the text overlay clips.... clean it past the
mid-point. Render the first half.

Then import the first half as a single clip. You might try replacing the
first part of the project with the new big clip, add your transition and try
for the big render.

You might want to render the first 1/2 of the movie, then the 2nd, and add
both together.

It's hard to be prescriptive without seeing the project file... this is just
to throw out a couple ideas in hopes it'll spark the right way to approach
it at your end.


Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

"Desperately Seeking Saved Movie (Hank)"